Starfield landscape

Image source: Bethesda

Quality over quantity, perhaps?

Bethesda Game Studios recently held the Starfield Direct event where they unveiled exciting information about their much-awaited space opera. Adding to the hype, Todd Howard, the director of the game, has been doing the media rounds and revealing snippets of information. Most recently, the director has revealed the number of romance options available to players.

Todd Howard Reveals Starfield Romance Options

During a recent episode of Kinda Funny Games, Howard made an appearance as a special guest and officially disclosed the number of romance choices that players can expect in Starfield. It’s a little less than we hoped for, unfortunately.

The game only offers romance options that include the four main Constellation crewmates.

The four main Constellation ones are the ones that support full quest lines for them and romance.Todd Howard on Kinda Funny Games’ XCast

You might find this number slightly unexpected, as it is relatively low when compared to other sci-fi franchises such as the Mass Effect series. As an example, in Mass Effect 2, players had the opportunity to develop romantic relationships with up to 12 different characters.

Despite the low number, it’s difficult to be too disappointed given our limited knowledge about the depth and intricacies of the four potential romances in Starfield.

Based on what we know so far, these four characters will each have their own individual storylines and dialogue choices. The game’s script has been described by the ESRB rating board as being pretty racy. It could very well be that this is a case of quality over quantity.

Starfield launches on Xbox Series X|S and PC on Sept. 6, 2023. Bethesda’s other hallmark franchise, The Elder Scrolls, isn’t expected to launch its sixth installment for much longer.