Image source: Riot Games
Valorant’s mobile version has been a long time in the making, but it seems as though we’re finally getting closer to the finishing line. Well, sort of. Earlier this week, YouTuber DannyIntel shared a bunch of previously unseen (but old) footage from China’s beta test. While the clips are from a while back, they do show some things we’ve not yet seen before — including the tutorial stage which is quite different from the PC version.
Valorant Mobile Tutorial Features Jett in the Range
As you can see in the footage, there’s actually a model of Jett who appears to follow the player about and issue instructions. That’s quite different from the PC version which instead simply has Brimstone narrating instructions.
From what we can tell, and to our surprise, the controls actually look pretty slick. Everything seems to handle and shoot well considering that it’s all being done on touch screen.
Indeed, one of the biggest reservations many fans have had since footage of the Valorant mobile version first appeared was how it would control. It’s unusual that a game with such precise shooting mechanics as Valorant (see what I did there?) could actually function properly on touch screen. One taps don’t really suit mobile controls, after all.
Still, it does actually seem as though it’s working well enough. Now, it’s never going to support cross-play, of course, but that’s no major issue. The version simply needs to be good enough to exist as a standalone.
We’ll keep you posted with more Valorant mobile content as soon as we hear it. Until then, you can look forward to the movie that is apparently in the works and will have a trailer by October.