Image source: Inflexion Games via We Game Daily
In Nightingale, Realm Cards are crucial tools that players use to explore and navigate the game’s universe. They serve as keys to unlock portals that lead to various procedurally-generated worlds, each with distinct characteristics. Here we’re listing the full overview of all Realm Cards in Nightingale, including what they do and how to unlock them. This guide has been updated with new, relevant information.
Nightingale Realm Cards & How to Unlock Them All
- Desert [Biome]: Creates a map with a desert environment. (Obtainable through the initial tutorial)
- Forest [Biome]: Generates a map with a forested landscape. (Available from the start of the game)
- Swamp [Biome]: Produces a map with swampy terrain. (Unlocked at the beginning of the game)
- Abeyance [Major]: Establishes a map with low danger levels, ideal for setting up a base. Completing dungeons in this type of map is necessary to unlock other major cards. (Unlocked through a tutorial quest given by Puck, where you choose your starting biome)
- Antiquarian [Major]: Adds archaeological sites to the map. (Get the Antiquarian card by defeating the Antiquarian dungeon in your starting Abeyance map)
- Astrolabe [Major]: Introduces astronomical points of interest across the map. (you get the Astrolable card in Nightingale by conquering the Astrolabe dungeon in your initial Abeyance map)
- Provisioner [Major]: Incorporates industrial buildings and points of interest into the map. (Unlocked by defeating the Provisioner dungeon in your starting Abeyance map)
- Herbarium [Major]: Adds druidic points of interest to the map. (Obtained by defeating the Herbarium dungeon in your initial Abeyance map)
- Gloom [Major]: Increases the map’s gloominess and threat level. (Unlocked by conquering the Gloom dungeon in your starting Abeyance map)
- Hunt [Major]: Enables players to embark on Apex Hunts to defeat powerful boss creatures native to the biome. (Obtained by defeating the Hunt dungeon in your initial Abeyance map)
- The Watch [Major]: Transports you to The Watch, a cooperative end-game area. (Unlocked after completing the main storyline)
- Astrolabe Ascended [Major]: Populates the map with Calcularia faction NPCs, increasing the danger level moderately. (Unlocked in the end-game from the Ascended Forest, Swamp, and Desert Antiquarian Essence Traders)
- Antiquarian Ascended [Major]: Populates the map with Calcularia faction NPCs, raising the danger level moderately. (Unlocked in the end-game)
- Provisioner Ascended [Major]: Populates the map with Calcularia faction NPCs, increasing the danger level moderately. (Unlocked in the end-game from the Ascended Astrolabe Essence Traders)
- Herbarium Ascended [Major]: Populates the map with Calcularia faction NPCs, raising the danger level moderately. (Unlocked in the end-game at the Ascended Provisioner Essence Traders)
- Gloom Ascended [Major]: Populates the map with Calcularia faction NPCs, increasing the danger level moderately. (Unlocked in the end-game, recipe available at the Ascended Herbarium Essence Traders)
- Hunt Ascended [Major]: Populates the map with Calcularia faction NPCs, raising the danger level moderately. (Unlocked in the end-game, recipe available at the Ascended Gloom Essence Traders)
- Alchemist [Minor]: Enhances potion yields, increases the chance of finding Essence, and boosts the magical power of crafted items. (Recipe available at the Ascended Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Amphibious [Minor]: Boosts swimming speed, disease resistance, and stamina recovery in water. (Available at the Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Angler [Minor]: Provides benefits for fishing in the realm. (Recipe available from the Abeyance Essence Trader)
- Artisan [Minor]: Enhances crafting stations, reduces refinement time, and increases comfort rating. (Found in Fae Chests, recipe available from the Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Blood Moon Apogean [Minor]: Increases rare material drop chances from enemies, with greater penalties for max health and regeneration speeds. (Recipe available at the Ascended Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader and the Ascended Desert Gloom Essence Trader)
- Blood Moon Eminent [Minor]: Increases the drop chance of rarer items from enemies, further lowers max health and regeneration rate. (Recipe available at the Desert Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Blood Moon [Minor]: Increases the chance of enemies dropping rare items, but reduces maximum health. (Found in Fae Chests, recipe available at the Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Blunderbuss [Minor]: Boosts shotgun damage, shotgun ammo yield, and reduces damage dealt with other gun types. (Recipe available at the Swamp Hunt Essence Trader)
- Bulwark’s Workshop [Minor]: Turnsy terrain. (Unlocked at the beginning of the game)
- Abeyance [Major]: Establishes a low-danger, peaceful map ideal for base building. Required for unlocking major cards by completing dungeons. (Obtained through a tutorial quest from Puck, where you choose your starting biome)
- Antiquarian [Major]: Adds archaeological sites to the map. (Defeat the dungeon in your home Abeyance world to unlock)
- Astrolabe [Major]: Introduces astronomical points of interest across the map. (Learn the recipe by conquering the dungeon in your home Abeyance world)
- Provisioner [Major]: Adds industrial structures and points of interest to the map. (Unlock by defeating the dungeon in your home Abeyance world)
- Herbarium [Major]: Increases the presence of druidic points of interest on the map. (Obtainable by defeating the dungeon in your home Abeyance world)
- Gloom [Major]: Enhances the map with a more ominous and threatening atmosphere. (Unlocked by defeating the dungeon in your home Abeyance world)
- Hunt [Major]: Allows players to engage in Apex Hunts against large, powerful biome-specific boss creatures. (Unlocked by defeating the dungeon in your home Abeyance world)
- The Watch [Major]: Transports you to the Watch, a cooperative end-game space. (Unlocked after completing the main storyline)
- Astrolabe Ascended [Major]: An upgraded version of Astrolabe, populated with moderately dangerous Calcularia faction NPCs. (End-game unlock from Ascended Forest, Swamp, and Desert Antiquarian Essence Traders)
- Antiquarian Ascended [Major]: An upgraded version of Antiquarian, populated with moderately dangerous Calcularia faction NPCs. (End-game unlock)
- Provisioner Ascended [Major]: An upgraded version of Provisioner, populated with moderately dangerous Calcularia faction NPCs. (End-game unlock from Ascended Astrolabe Essence Traders)
- Herbarium Ascended [Major]: An upgraded version of Herbarium, populated with moderately dangerous Calcularia faction NPCs. (End-game unlock from Ascended Provisioner Essence Traders)
- Gloom Ascended [Major]: An upgraded version of Gloom, populated with moderately dangerous Calcularia faction NPCs. (End-game unlock, recipe available from Ascended Herbarium Essence Traders)
- Hunt Ascended [Major]: An upgraded version of Hunt, populated with moderately dangerous Calcularia faction NPCs. (End-game unlock, recipe available from Ascended Gloom Essence Traders)
- Alchemist [Minor]: Boosts potion yield, increases the chance of finding Essence, and enhances the magickal power of crafted items. (Recipe available from Ascended Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Amphibious [Minor]: Enhances swimming speed, disease resistance, and stamina recovery in water. (Available from the Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Angler [Minor]: Improves fishing capabilities in the realm. (Recipe available from the Abeyance Essence Trader)
- Artisan [Minor]: Enhances crafting stations, reduces refinement time, and increases comfort rating. (Obtained from Fae Chests or the Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Blood Moon Apogean [Minor]: Intensifies the effects of the blood moon, further increasing rare material drop rates but with greater penalties to health and regeneration. (Recipe available from Ascended Desert Antiquarian and Gloom Essence Traders)
- Blood Moon Eminent [Minor]: Increases the drop rate of rare items during a blood moon, with additional reductions to max health and regeneration. (Recipe available from the Desert Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Blood Moon [Minor]: Causes a blood moon, increasing rare item drop rates but decreasing maximum health. (Obtained from Fae Chests or the Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Blunderbuss [Minor]: Boosts shotgun damage, ammo yield, and magickal shotgun ammo damage, while reducing damage from other guns. (Recipe available from the Swamp Hunt Essence Trader)
- Bulwark’s Workshop [Minor]: Sets the season to autumn, allowing for the crafting of tools with enhanced blocking abilities and efficiency. (Obtained from Fae Chests or the Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Combatant’s Workshop [Minor]: Allows for the crafting of tools with increased damage, reduces yields, and shortens crafting time. The season becomes summer. (Obtained from Fae Chests)
- Deep Fae Wilds [Minor]: Reduces damage dealt but increases health, stamina, and recovery rates. (Unlocked through POIs, Puzzle Cores, or the Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Dragon’s Hoard Apogean [Minor] – Significantly boosts the likelihood of discovering rare gems, while also reducing your maximum health even further. (Available from the Ascended Forest Antiquarian and Gloom Essence Traders)
- Dragon’s Hoard Eminent [Minor] – Enhances the probability of finding even rarer gems in chests, at the expense of your damage resistance. (Obtained from the Forest Gloom Essence Trader)
- Dragon’s Hoard [Minor] – Increases the chances of unearthing rare gems in Fae and Human Chests, slightly raising the damage you receive. (Found in Fae Chests or purchased from the Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Duelist [Minor] – Grants a minor boost to both the damage you inflict and sustain. (Found in Fae Chests or acquired from the Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Estate Address Card [Minor] – Use this card to visit a specific player’s Abeyance Realm. Share the card to allow others access to your estate even when offline. (Obtained as a reward from Points of Interest or bought from the Abeyance Essence Trader)
- Explorer Eminent [Minor] – Extends food duration and reduces damage received, while slightly lowering the damage you deal. (Found in Fae Chests or purchased from the Forest Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Explorer [Minor] – A weaker variant of Explorer Eminent, offering minor increases to food duration and damage reduction, with a slight decrease in the damage you deal. (Found in Fae Chests or sold by the Abeyance Essence Trader)
- Farm [Minor] – Accelerates crop growth, enhances yields, and boosts the likelihood of finding Essence during harvesting. (Recipe available from the Forest Hunt Essence Trader)
- Feast [Minor] – Shifts the season to spring, amplifying the benefits of food buffs, extending food duration, increasing health regeneration, and slowing hunger rates. (Found in Fae Chests or sold through the Abeyance Essence Trader)
- Forge [Minor] – Improves ore yield, shortens the time needed for ore refinement, and enhances the quality of metal items, at the expense of other materials’ effectiveness. (Recipe sold at the Swamp Herbarium Essence Trader)
- Fortitude [Minor] – Boosts resistance to injuries, enhances blocking efficiency, and strengthens structures, but reduces the durability of tools and clothing. (Available from the Desert Herbarium Essence Trader)
- Ghost [Minor] – Increases stealth, resource and Essence yields, while decreasing the damage you deal. (Obtained from the Ascended Forest Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Greenhouse [Minor] – Raises plant yield, reduces refinement time for Refined Fibre, and improves the quality of plant-based items. Crafted clothing gains enhanced resistance and stealth, with a slight increase in weight. (Found in Fae Chests or sold at the Swamp Hunt Essence Trader)
- Harvester’s Workshop [Minor] – Transforms the realm into spring, reduces tool refinement time, and boosts the efficiency, weight, and damage of all crafted tools. (Found in Fae Chests)
- Hearth [Minor] – Lengthens the duration of meal and rest buffs, lowers hunger and fatigue rates, and boosts health and stamina recovery. (Recipe sold at the Swamp Herbarium Essence Trader)
- Hunter Eminent [Minor] – Offers greater yields from slain creatures, enhanced damage to weak points, and reduced damage to other body parts. (Available from the Ascended Desert Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Hunter [Minor] – Increases the yield of items from skinned creatures, boosts damage to weak points, and reduces damage elsewhere. (Sold at the Desert Hunt Essence Trader)
- Industry Card [Minor] – Boosts the yield of crafted ammunition and ingots, and increases the crafting time for all refinement processes. (Found in Fae Chests or sold at the Desert Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Lumber Mill [Minor] – Enhances wood yield, shortens the time needed for wood product refinement, and improves the quality of wooden items, at the expense of other materials’ effectiveness. (Available from the Forest Herbarium Essence Trader)
- Maleficiate [Minor] – Engulfs the realm in eternal night, increasing the yield of Bound resource drops. (Found in Fae Chests or sold at the Desert Gloom Essence Trader)
- Marksman [Minor] – Boosts the damage dealt with rifles and pistols, enhances ammo effectiveness, and reduces the effectiveness of shotguns. (Found in Fae Chests or sold at the Forest Hunt Essence Trader)
- Might [Minor] – Increases strength and carrying capacity, but decreases the efficiency and durability of tools and clothing. (Unlocked via the Desert Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Outlaw [Minor] – Enhances damage dealt with pistols, the yield of crafting pistol ammunition, and the effectiveness of magickal ammunition, while reducing damage with other guns. (Sold at the Desert Hunt Essence Trader)
- Quarry [Minor] – Boosts the yield of stone blocks, reduces the time needed for stone block refinement, and improves the quality and cost efficiency of stone items. (Found in Fae Chests or sold at the Desert Herbarium Essence Trader)
- Settler Apogean [Minor] – Offers stronger growth speed with better yields but worsens stamina regeneration. (Sold at the Ascended Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Settler Eminent [Minor] – Increases the yield of refined building materials and crops, enhances the durability of building pieces, and reduces stamina recovery rate. (Found in Fae Chests or sold at the Forest Herbarium Essence Trader)
- Settler [Minor] – A weaker variant of Settler Eminent with a slightly lower growth speed increase. (Found in Fae Chests, unlocked via the Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Tavern [Minor] – Boosts meal duration, reduces tiredness rate, and increases stamina regeneration. (Unlocked via the Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Tempest Apogean [Minor] – Further increases magickal damage, accompanied by perpetual rain. (Sold at the Ascended Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Tempest Eminent [Minor] – Enhances your magickal powers at the expense of more severe rains. (Available from the Swamp Gloom Essence Trader)
- Tempest [Minor] – Causes perpetual rainfall while boosting the potency of your magick. (Unlocked via the Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Thinned Veil [Minor] – Increases movement speed, stamina efficiency, and jumping velocity, with a slight increase in durability drain. (Found in Fae Chests, purchased from the Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Treasury Eminent [Minor] – Further enhances the likelihood of finding Essence. (Purchased from the Forest Provisioner Essence Trader)
- Treasury [Minor] – Boosts the chance of discovering Essence. (Found in Fae Chests, sold at the Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader)
- Trickster [Minor] – Raises jumping height and strength attribute, lowers injury rate, but decreases damage dealt and makes resource yields unpredictable. (Found in Fae Chests, sold at the Forest Gloom Essence Trader)
- Utopia Apogean [Minor] – Brings perpetual daylight and renders you invisible to enemies. (Sold at the Ascended Swamp Hunt Essence Trader)
- Utopia Card [Minor] – Ensures the sun never sets in the realm you’re in. (Purchased from the Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader)
- Weighted Eminent [Minor] – Increases the damage and efficiency of your harvesting tools, alters gravity, and lowers your stamina. (Found in Fae Chests, sold at the Swamp Gloom Essence Trader)
- Weighted [Minor] – A slightly weaker version of Weighted Eminent. (Found in Fae Chests, sold at the Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader)
What are Realm Cards? Explained
If you’re thinking of exploring beyond your comfy home in the Respite Realm into the big, magical Faewilds, you’ll need Realm Cards. These cards let you change how your adventure shapes up, letting you decide what kind of challenges and treasures you’ll find. Think of them as a way to make every journey special, and we’re here to help you understand all about the different Realm Cards you can use.
Realm Cards let you change the places and adventures in Nightingale’s magical worlds. You can use them to make sure you find special resources or face off against tough bosses. The game will keep adding more cards as it grows, making your adventures even more exciting. But remember, once you go through a portal and close it, you can’t go back to that exact same place again. If you want to make the most of your journeys, here are all the Realm Cards we know about, what they do, and how to use them.
That wraps up our list of all Realm Cards in Nightingale. For those exploring the realms and wanting to do so in third-person, we have another handy tutorial for that.