Image source: Endnight
Now that Sons of the Forest 1.0 is upon us, you’ll no doubt want to experience everything the game has to offer. Thankfully, there’s a way to easily do so without the legwork of playing the entire game through. By using console commands you can do everything from spawning weapons and running fast to turning on god mode. Here’s how to enable cheats and a comprehensive list of all the console commands available in Sons of the Forest 1.0.
Sons of the Forest 1.0 Cheats & Console Commands
Player Cheats
- godmode
: Turns on god mode. - godmode off: Turns off god mode.
- buffstats: Refills hunger, thirst, stamina.
- regenhealth: Refills health.
- addallitems: Gives yourself all items.
- removeallitems: Removes most items from inventory.
- additem [item name]: Adds a specific item (e.g.,
additem shovel
). - spawnworldobject x: Spawns a specific item (e.g.,
spawnworldobject stick
). - instantbookbuild on: Builds anything selected from the book instantly.
- instantbookbuild off: Turns off instant build cheat.
- showhud off: Turns HUD off.
- showhud on: Turns HUD on.
- superjump on: Enables super jump.
- superjump off: Disables super jump.
- speedyrun on: Enables fast run.
- speedyrun off: Disables fast run.
- cavelight on: Illuminates the area around you.
- cavelight off: Turns off illumination around you.
- createlight: Adds a light source to the world.
- settimeofday [1-24]: Changes the time of day.
- settimeofday morning: Changes time to early morning.
- settimeofday night: Changes time to night.
- locktimeofday morning: Time remains morning.
- forcerain heavy: Changes weather to rain.
- forcerain sunny: Changes weather to sunny.
- season summer: Changes season to summer.
- season autumn: Changes season to autumn.
- season winter: Changes season to winter.
- season spring: Changes season to spring.
- save: Saves your game.
NPC/Enemy Cheats
- addcharacter robby
: Spawns an extra Kelvin. - addvirginia: Spawns an extra Virginia.
- aigodmode on: Turns on god mode for companions.
- aigodmode off: Turns off god mode for companions.
- aighostplayer on: Enemies ignore you.
- aighostplayer off: Enemies see you.
- aipause: AI entities (including companions) freeze in place.
- aidisable: AI entities (including companions) completely vanish.
- aishowthoughts on: Display AI paths/thoughts.
- killradius [number]: Kills everything within chosen range (e.g., killradius 10).
All Other Commands
- addallbookpages
- addallitems
- addallstoryitems
- addcharacter
- additem
- additemswithtag
- addmemory
- addprefab
- addvirginia
- aiangerlevel
- aianimspeed
- aiarmorlevel
- aiarmortier
- aidisable
- aidodgetest
- aidummy
- aiforcestrafe
- aighostplayer
- aigodmode
- aijumpdebug
- aiknockdowndisable
- aimemoryadjust
- aipause
- aipoolstats
- airadar
- airunworldevent
- aishowanims
- aishowdebug
- aishowdebugcamera
- aishoweventmemory
- aishowhealth
- aishownavgraph
- aishowpaths
- aishowplayerinfluences
- aishowstats
- aishowsurvivalstats
- aishowthoughts
- aistatadjust
- aistructurelog
- aitestsleep
- aithought
- aithoughtnocooldown
- aivailstats
- aiverboselog
- aivillageclosest
- aiworldeventstats
- aiworldstats
- aizonestats
- allowasync
- ammohack
- animallimitmult
- animalsenabled
- animstatesgui
- anisoenabled
- Anisominmax
- applydefaultmaterials
- areashadow
- astar
- audio2dtest
- audiodebug
- audiodebugstates
- audiodescription
- audioparameter
- audioplayevent
- billboardenabled
- billboardignorechanges
- blockplayerfinaldeath
- breakobjects
- buffstats
- buildermode
- buildhack
- cameradiss
- camerafov
- capsulemode
- cavelight
- characterlods
- checkattachedentities
- checkexitmenu
- checkfrozenentities
- clear
- clearallsettings
- clearaudioparameters
- clearbushradius
- clearmidactionflag
- cloudenable
- cloudfactor
- cloudshadowsenable
- combatteststart
- count
- countgowithlayer
- countlinkedstructures
- counttag
- createlight
- creepyvillage
- damagedebug
- damagefreeformstructure
- deathcount
- debugplayerhitlog
- debugplayermelee
- demomode
- destroy
- destroyfreeformstructure
- destroyragdoll
- destroywildcard
- diagrenderers
- diggingclear
- disablecomponent
- disablegameobjecttester
- disablego
- disablegowildcard
- disablescene
- disconnectplayer
- disconnectplayers
- dismemberradius
- dumplobbyinfo
- duplicateobject
- dynamicresolutioncycletest
- dynamicresolutionoverride
- dynamicresolutiontarget
- enablecheats
- enablecollisionbasedkillbox
- enablecomponent
- enablego
- enablescene
- enablestructureghosts
- energyhack
- exportlinkedstructurestojson
- exposuresetspeed
- filteraudio
- findobjectswithshader
- firstlookforce
- follow
- followstop
- footstepdebug
- forcecloud
- forcecloudprofile
- forceplayerexpression
- forcerain
- forceremovetrees
- freecamera
- gainstrength
- gameoverdelaytime
- gamepaddeadzone
- gamepadxsensitivity
- gamepadysensitivity
- gccollect
- getgamemode
- godmode
- goto
- gotocoords
- gotoforce
- gototag
- gotozone
- grabsgeneratebuilt
- gravity
- greebledrockscollision
- heallocalplayer
- help
- hideworldposfor
- hitlocalplayer
- igniteradius
- importlinkedstructuresfromfile
- inspectgo
- instantbookbuild
- instantrespawnhere
- invertlook
- invisible
- joinsteamlobby
- jumptimeofday
- kickplayers
- killlocalplayer
- killradius
- knockdownlocalplayer
- lightninghittreechance
- lightninghittreemustbeinfrontplayer
- lightninginterval
- listactiveentities
- listdeathmarkers
- listgowithlayer
- listitems
- listitemswithtags
- listobjects
- loaddebugconsolemod
- loadmacros
- loadplayer
- loadscene
- loadscenesingle
- locktimeofday
- loddebugbillboards
- loddebugmaterials
- loddebugranges
- lodforce2ddistance
- lodforce3ddistance
- logging
- loghack
- logshowerrors
- logshowinfo
- logshownone
- logshowwarnings
- logtextures
- logvirtual
- mipmapstreaming
- mipmapstreamingbudget
- mipmapstreamingdiscard
- mousexsensitivity
- mouseysensitivity
- navgraphforceupdate
- netanimator
- netskinnedbones
- netspawnplayer
- openmacrosfolder
- outputsnappointstofile
- physicsupdatetime
- playcutscene
- playdeathcutscene
- playdeathmarker
- playdeathmarkerindex
- playeranimparams
- playerdebugcamera
- playerinterruptkeys
- playernetanimator
- playervisibility
- playgameover
- postprocessingcomponent
- profilersample
- profilersnapshot
- qualitytexture
- radiodebug
- refillcontainers
- refreshentities
- regenhealth
- removeallitems
- removeallstoryitems
- removedead
- removeitem
- removeliving
- removeshader
- renderspheres
- replaceshader
- Reporterrors
- reportlogsnow
- reportwarningsnow
- resetinputaxes
- resetsettings
- revivelocalplayer
- robbycarry
- robbyincutscenes
- rumbletest
- save
- saveplayer
- season
- sendmessageto
- setcurrentday
- setdifficultymode
- setexitedendgame
- setgamemode
- setgamesetupsetting
- setgametimespeed
- setinventorypercent
- setlayerculldistance
- setlookrotation
- setopeningcrash
- setplayerrace
- setproperty
- setsetting
- setspeakermode
- setstat
- setstrengthlevel
- settimeofday
- setwindintensity
- setworldobjectstaterange
- showactivelights
- showbutterfly info
- showcollisionobjectnames
- showdebugzones
- showfps
- showhud
- showinworldui
- showmeshmaterialnames
- showmeshobjectnames
- showmeshtrianglecounts
- showobjectlocation
- showprojectiletrails
- showstimuli
- showtriggercollision
- showui
- showworldobjects
- showworldposfor
- slapchop
- spawnedobjectstats
- spawnfallingtree
- spawnitem
- spawnpickup
- spawnrenderspheres
- spawnworldobject
- speedyrun
- sprinttoggle
- superjump
- survival
- targetframerate
- terrainparallax
- terrainpixelerror
- terrainrender
- terrainrendersimple
- terraintess
- terraintessdist
- testeventmask
- testingsamplefps
- timeofday
- timeofdayconnectiondebug
- timescale
- togglebeamdebug
- togglefiredebug
- togglefpsdisplay
- togglego
- togglegrabberdebug
- togglegrabsfacedebug
- toggleocclusionculling
- toggleoverlay
- toggleplayerstats
- togglestructureresistancedebug
- togglesuperstructurerooms
- togglevsync
- toggleworkscheduler
- trailer3
- treecutsimulatebolt
- treefallcontactinfo
- treeocclusionbonus
- treeradius
- treescutall
- unloadscene
- unloadunusedassets
- unlockseason
- visualdebug
How to Enable Cheats in Sons of the Forest
Of course, before you can enter the codes above you’ll need to get familiar with how to enable cheats in Sons of the Forest. Here’s how:
- Start a new game or load a saved game.
- Type cheatstick (without quotes) while in the game to activate the console. Your character may kneel and open their pack, but this is normal.
- Press
to bring up the console. Start typing your command, and it will appear in the top left corner. - Enter the desired command and press Enter.
- Press
again to close the console.
That wraps up all console commands and cheats in Sons of the Forest. Remember to back up your saved games before using these commands, as some of them may have unintended effects on your game. For other similar content, check out our list of cheats for Return to Moria.