enshrouded landscape

Image source: Keen Games

It's not the game, it's you (probably).

Enshrouded is absolutely one of the best survival games we’ve played in years, but given it’s in Early Access we shouldn’t be too surprised there are several bugs and issues. That includes the “no compatible graphics device found” error, which implies that Enshrouded is unable to recognize or access the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) of your system. There are many reasons why this might crop up, so let’s break down how to fix the problem.

How to Fix “No Compatible Graphics Device Found” Error in Enshrouded

This particular issue is typically a result of either outdated drivers, incorrect system settings, or even compatibility issues with your hardware.

While gaming with an AMD setup, encountering this error is unfortunately common. This is because, in some cases, the game might fail to recognize the dedicated AMD graphics card and instead, attempt to run using the integrated graphics. This results in the game not being able to access the required resources, leading to the error message. Here are all the workarounds we’ve found:

Updating Graphics Drivers/Software

One of the most effective solutions to this problem is to ensure that your graphics drivers are up-to-date. AMD users have access to AMD Adrenaline, a software that automatically updates your graphics card or CPU. However, there may be instances when the software fails to auto-update, leading to issues. Therefore, it’s crucial to manually check for updates periodically.

Rebooting Your PC

In some cases, rogue files may interfere with the proper functioning of your system. A simple reboot can eliminate such issues, putting your system back on track. After a reboot, try launching Enshrouded again. If the error does not pop up, you’re good to go. If it persists, move on to the next step.

Verifying Game Files and Reinstalling Enshrouded

Another effective method to resolve the issue is to verify your Steam game files. This ensures that no files were corrupt during the game’s installation process. If you’re still facing the problem after verifying the game files, it might be time to uninstall and reinstall the game. This can often fix the issue as there might be a problem with the original installation.

Waiting for a Patch or Hotfix

If all else fails, your best option might be to wait for an official patch or hotfix from the developers. As we’ve already mentioned, Enshrouded is still in its Early Access stage, bugs and glitches are expected and the team is likely already working on a fix for this error.

So there you have it. Of course, encountering any error is a pain, and the “No Compatible Graphics Device Found” in Enshrouded is no exception. Fortunately, it is fixable most of the time, and if you can’t get it sorted then Keen Games is sure to deploy a patch soon.,