Image source: NetherRealm Studios
NetherRealm has a long-standing tradition of hiding secret fights in Mortal Kombat, and Mortal Kombat 1 brings back this exciting feature with Floyd, the Pink Ninja. Finding Floyd isn’t just a random encounter—it’s a puzzle that requires dedication, luck, and a little patience. If you’re ready to take on this challenge, here’s everything you need to know to unlock Floyd and what awaits if you manage to defeat him.
Things You Need to Know About Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1
Finding Floyd is no small feat. His fight is tied to solving “Klues” hidden throughout the game, which increase your chances of encountering him in Ladder or Versus matches. Here are the essentials:
- Random Encounters: Floyd spawns randomly during ladder matches. The more Klues you complete, the higher your chances of meeting him.
- Notification System: Completing specific challenges (detailed below) triggers Floyd-related notifications, signaling that you’re on the right track.
- Challenge Progression: After completing enough Klues, Floyd appears during a match to issue a unique in-game challenge. Solve it, and the fight begins.
- Guaranteed Encounter: While luck plays a role, playing 400 ladder matches guarantees a Floyd encounter.
- Reset Mechanic: Once Floyd appears and delivers his challenge, your Klue progress resets.
All 37 Klues for Finding Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1
Below is a comprehensive list of known Klues to unlock Floyd. Some are straightforward, while others remain mysteries. Progress toward completing these challenges in matches to increase the odds of triggering Floyd’s appearance.
Completed Klues
- Total Disrespect: Perform 4 taunts without attacking.
- Jumping Gets You Nowhere: Win a match without jumping.
- Klean Sweep: Win a match using only sweep attacks (Back + Circle/B).
- Get Over Here Already: Defeat Scorpion using Scorpion.
- Up and Away: Spam jump throughout a match.
- I Make the Rules: Spam Liu Kang’s Dragon Kick special move.
- Fire & Ice: Play as Scorpion with Sub-Zero as your Kameo fighter.
- Ice & Fire: Play as Sub-Zero with Scorpion as your Kameo fighter.
- Perfect Kouple: Play as Johnny Cage with Sonya Blade as your Kameo.
- Get the Horns: Play as Shao Kahn with Motaro as your Kameo.
- Yeet!!!: Win a match using only throws.
- Timed Out: Let the match timer expire without finishing your opponent.
- I’m Down Too: Spam uppercuts, potentially ending the match with an uppercut Brutality.
- Kicking It: Win a match using only kicks.
- Losing Is Winning: Lose a match without landing a single hit.
- Toasty!!!: Play as Scorpion with Scorpion as your Kameo fighter.
- Demonic Duo: Play as Ashrah with Sareena as your Kameo.
Klues Still Unknown or Speculative
- No Elder God: ???
- No Luna: ???
- Hip Hop 4 Ever: ???
- This Is Where You Fall Down: Likely tied to Johnny Cage; unclear specifics.
- You Suck: ???
- Fists of Fury: Possibly winning a match with punches only.
- Sans Jade: ???
- Keep Kalm and Finish: ???
- Foesty!!!: Likely involves Sub-Zero as the main fighter.
- Ka Ballin: Possibly related to Kabal.
- Hat Trick: May involve Kung Lao’s hat-based moves.
- Fatal Finish: ???
- You Finish Yet?: ???
- Inner Beast: Finish a match with an Animality.
- Shaolin Monks: ???
- Door Buster: ???
- Climb the Pyramid: ???
- Challenge Accepted: Complete a daily challenge.
- Quest Keeper: ???
Remember, Klues may be fulfilled in any order, but some players have reported encountering Floyd after completing just a handful, while others needed significantly more.
What You Unlock by Beating Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1
Victory against Floyd earns you:
- Exclusive Stage: Unlock the Kombat Pack 1 reveal stage, an open area reminiscent of Tekken’s stage design.
- Pink Color Palettes: New pink-themed skins for Scorpion and Sub-Zero, letting you channel Floyd’s ninja flair in your matches.
Tips for Finding Floyd
- Focus on ladder matches, as they’re the most reliable method for triggering Floyd encounters.
- Mix up your strategies to complete multiple Klues in a single session.
- Stay persistent—even if it takes hundreds of matches, Floyd is guaranteed to show up eventually.
Finding Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1 is one of the game’s most intricate secrets, and the thrill of unlocking him is half the fun. Keep grinding those matches, knock out those Klues, and let us know when you finally face off against the mysterious Pink Ninja!